Archive for June 9th, 2011

Climate change will cut water for farmers: UN

Straits Times: Climate change will cut water for farmers: UN The UN food agency on Thursday warned climate change will restrict the availability of water for farming in decades to come. THE UN food agency on Thursday warned climate change will restrict the availability of water for farming in decades to come, including in the Mediterranean region, and urged governments to take action. A report by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) said climate change will reduce river runoff and aquifer recharges,...

Portland should brace for ‘climate refugees’

Beaverton Valley Times: The Glen Canyon Dam, upstream from the Grand Canyon in Page, Ariz., is the second-largest dam on the Colorado River. Global warming is projected to exacerbate drought conditions in the Southwest, which could bring many ?climate change refugees? to Oregon. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. This simple intention captures the climate-disruption planning that is gearing up in our region. We know that the metropolitan Portland region is more resilient to impacts from climate change...