Archive for December 10th, 2010

Reptile Extinction Proves What Climate Change Can Do

Softpedia: The reptile extinction waves in the Greek islands over the past 15,000 years, give a very accurate response of the way that plants and animals will react to the fast global warming, due to human-caused climate change, concluded a University of Michigan ecologist. Johannes Foufopoulos and his colleagues, wanted to better understand the consequences of climate change in the past, so they calculated the population extinction rates of 35 reptile species, including assorted lizards, snakes and turtles,...

Wild food crops to be ‘rescued’

BBC: Scientists have announced a plan to collect and store the wild plant relatives of essential food crops, including wheat, rice, and potatoes. The project, co-ordinated by the Global Crop Diversity Trust, will collect and catalogue seeds from across the globe. The aim is to safeguard valuable genetic traits that the wild plants contain, which could be bred into crops to make them more hardy and versatile. This could help secure food supplies in the face of a changing climate. All of the...