Author Archive

For Wyoming, Climate Change Is Now

Slate: In 2014, I wrote about the Wyoming state Legislature actively moving to suppress real science education when it came to global warming. As I said, Science itself has many laws, but it doesn't give a damn about ours. Advertisement Those words still echo loudly when it comes to Wyoming. A new research paper has come out showing that snow melt in the northwest region of that state is occurring earlier all the time, exactly as you'd expect with warmer winters and spring. The scientists used...

“There Is No Question That We Live in a World Already Altered by Climate Change”

Slate: Yesterday, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released Part 2 of their Assessment Report. Part 1 came out in September of 2013, and showed unequivocally that climate change is real, and human influence is the root cause. Part 2 deals with the impacts of climate change, and what might be done to minimize the effects. The technical summary is an interesting if depressing read. It concatenates the results from scientific journals in the field, giving what is essentially the position of the...

Marco Rubio: Another Senator Who Doubts Global Warming

Slate: Picking out one United States legislator for antiscientific thinking is quite a chore since the field is so crowded. But Marco Rubio (R-Fla) deserves a bit of extra attention; for one thing he sits on the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee. For another, he appears to be one of the Republican White House hopefuls for at least the next election cycle. For a third, I'm still not terribly happy about his comments on the age of the Earth. So, given all that, when he casts doubt...