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Climate change: Romney quips, the Goreacle fumes

Seattle Post Intelligencer: Just four days after news that the summer ice pack in the Arctic has shrunk to a record low, Mitt Romney made a joke about global warming to make a point against President Obama in his acceptance speech. "President Obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the oceans and heal the planet . . . My promise is to help you and your family," Romney told the Republican National Convention. He got a big ovation. The delegates apparently did not consider impacts that a rise in ocean levels will...

Climate: “Extreme” events will focus minds — NOAA boss

Seattle Post Intelligencer: "Extreme weather" and "extreme climate-related events will finally focus minds on climate change, the head of America`s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration told a conference Friday in Australia. "We are no longer at a point where we are questioning whether climate change is happening, although some continue to," Jane Lubchenco, a former Oregon State University oceanographer told the conference. Lubchenco spoke on a day when mid-American cities were experiencing a record stretch...