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Climate impacts felt “across all continents”

Seattle Post-Intelligencer: A coal-fired power plants: Coal burning is a major cause of climate change. Use of coal in the United States is down, but China has overtaken the U.S. in greenhouse gas emissions. Climate change is being felt from the lowlands of Bangladesh to villages in the Arctic, with impacts ranging from droughts to the spread of disease to the melting of glaciers, according to a United Nations-sponsored report due for release on Monday. It is the latest work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,...

Republicans’ war on the environment: Time to counterattack

Seattle Post-Intelligencer: The Republican leaders in Congress look so grim and dour on TV, always denouncing this and that, and voting -- for the 40th time in the House on Friday -- to repeal the health care reform law known as Obamacare. Appearances are deceiving. If you read their tweets, you'll quickly identify one thing close to the hearts of House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell: These guys love coal. They're out front going backwards. They want to strip the EPA of authority to...

On the environment, a “good” Obama and a “bad” Obama

Seattle Post-Intelligencer: In cleaning up America's air and water, and safeguarding God's great out-of-doors, President Obama lacks a character trait loosely defined by Clinton-era Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt -- "music in his soul." He is a bicyclist, but "green" to Obama is a golf course. He seems bound by the motto of reason-over-passion, while passion for the American earth has spawned one of America's enduring national movements. Hence, the President's environmental record has inspired verbal sparring along...