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UK had hottest and fourth wettest year in 2014

RTCC: The UK experienced its hottest ever year in 2014, provisional data shows. The average temperature across the last twelve months was 9.9C, beating the 2006 record of 9.7C, the Met Office has revealed. Eight of the UK’s top ten warmest years have occurred since 2002. Having kicked off with wintry storms and widespread flooding in January and February, 2014 was also the fourth wettest year on record. “This is clear evidence of the impact of man-made climate change on the UK,” said Bob Ward,...

NASA CO2 map reveals impact of forest clearance

RTCC: Early data has come in from the first satellite dedicated to monitoring levels of carbon dioxide in the air -- with some surprising results. The patch of dense carbon dioxide above China was to be expected, as factories churn out emissions. But the biggest swathes of red -- signifying a high concentration of the greenhouse gas -- appeared over the southern hemisphere. "Preliminary analysis shows these signals are largely driven by the seasonal burning of savannas and forests," explained...

Fracking may release cancer-causing air pollution – study

RTCC: Fracking wells may release cancer-causing chemicals into the air, a community science study has found. Residents trained to take air quality samples recorded high levels of benzene, hydrogen sulphide and formaldehyde near shale gas extraction sites in the US. While based on a small number of samples, the study published in Environmental Health adds a new set of potential health threats to fracking’s rap sheet. Lead researcher David Carpenter, from the University at Albany, New York, said...

Fracking could supply one third UK gas by 2035

RTCC: Indigenous shale gas could provide more than a third of the UK’s gas supplies in 2035. If the UK fails to invest in gas production it will depend on imports for 90% of its supplies. These were among the conclusions of National Grid’s latest Future Energy Scenarios report, published on Thursday. The owner and operator of the UK’s core gas and electricity networks, National Grid also has a strategic role in predicting patterns of energy supply and demand. While National Grid is not directly involved...