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Ecuador court orders Chevron to pay $8.6 bln

Reuters: A court in Ecuador's Amazon told Chevron Corp on Monday to pay $8.6 billion in environmental damages, but the U.S. oil company vowed to fight on in a lawsuit seen as a global test case. Chevron said it would appeal, meaning the case, which dates from drilling in the Andean nation during the 1970s and 1980s, could drag on. The legal battle has spawned accusations of dirty tricks and bribery. Activists portray it as a fight for justice against rich polluters, but Chevron says it is driven more...

Ecuador judge closes proof phase of Chevron pollution lawsuit

Reuters: The Ecuadorean judge hearing a $27 billion environmental damages case against oil producer Chevron Corp told Reuters on Friday that he has closed the evidentiary phase of the trial. Local farmers and indigenous tribes in Ecuador's Amazon region want the company to pay for the cleanup of areas they say were polluted by faulty drilling practices in the 1970s and 1980s. "The proof phase has been concluded," Sucumbios Provincial Court Judge Nicolas Zambrano said. "I have to read what there is in...