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Gas industry slow to sign up for voluntary methane cuts

Reuters: The head of the U.S. natural gas industry group responsible for persuading companies to voluntarily report their methane emissions says he has not seen - and does not expect to see - a high number of companies participating in the program. "Right now I will say that market forces kind of militate against a ton of people jumping-up to be proactive," said Tom Michels, executive director of One Future, a coalition of companies from across the natural gas sector that aims to self-regulate methane emissions....

Obama Administration to Propose New Rules to Halt Methane Leaks

Reuters: The Obama administration is expected to propose new rules as soon as Friday to curb methane leaks from oil and natural gas production, its latest attempt to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from energy production under its control, sources familiar with the plan said. The Interior Department's Bureau of Land Management (BLM) wants to limit venting and flaring natural gas at wells on public land, practices that let methane into the atmosphere. Methane is the second most prevalent greenhouse gas after...

In twist, Obama emissions plan satisfies industry, worries greens

Reuters: For two years, President Barack Obama has used his executive power to impose new rules to cut carbon emissions, targeting cars and power plants, buoying environmentalists and infuriating industry. His latest foray - regulating commercial aviation - had the opposite effect. On Wednesday, the administration took a first step toward cutting greenhouse gas emissions from the nation's fleet of aircraft, releasing a scientific finding that said emissions from plane engines pose a risk to human health...

EPA scrutiny could be linchpin to Keystone review process

Reuters: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's critical assessment of the proposed northern leg of the Keystone pipeline could have outsized influence on the final decision of whether to approve the project, experts familiar with the process said. Friday's State Department report contained the EPA's evaluation that crude produced from Canada's oil sands, which the pipeline would carry, are 17 percent more greenhouse gas intensive than average oil used in the United States. The EPA also said oil sands...

U.S. EPA unlikely to step up fracking enforcement efforts for now -analysts

Reuters: Federal regulators are unlikely to step up enforcement of potential water contamination cases linked to natural gas drilling - despite new concerns about water safety - given a lack of political will and limited resources to pursue such cases, analysts said. A report quietly made public on Christmas Eve by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's internal watchdog brought back into the spotlight concerns about the effects on water quality from the drilling technique known as hydraulic fracturing,...

Greens use Keystone XL backers’ words to undermine pipeline

Reuters: Environmental groups on Thursday used statements by supporters of the proposed Canada-U.S. Keystone XL pipeline to undermine the argument that Canada's tar sands will be developed without the project, so the impact on greenhouse gases will be the same. A report put together by more than a dozen green groups compiles statements by industry and government officials, financial analysts and green groups to argue that the 830,000 b/d oil pipeline is essential for the development of the tar sands, and...

Canada: Quebec to do own review of Enbridge pipeline project

Reuters: Quebec will announce within weeks that it will launch its own public review of a proposed pipeline that would deliver crude oil from western Canada to eastern markets, its environment minister said Thursday. Yves-Francois Blanchet told Reuters in an interview that the review will be done simultaneously with a review by Canada's National Energy Board, in order to give local groups a chance to learn more about the project. Enbridge Inc, Canada's largest pipeline company, plans to reverse a section...

EPA announces expert panel to review fracking study

Reuters: The U.S. environmental regulator has selected experts in fields ranging from well-drilling to toxicology to review a highly anticipated report on the natural gas and oil extraction method commonly known as fracking. The Environmental Protection Agency's science advisory board on Monday named 31 experts from universities, scientific labs and companies to review the agency's landmark hydraulic fracturing study that is expected to be delivered in 2014. The study, first requested by Congress in...

Keystone halt would send strong signal: EU climate chief

Reuters: The European Union's top climate change official said on Thursday that if the Obama administration rejects the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, it would send a strong message that the United States is serious about combating climate change. "That would be an extremely strong signal for the Obama administration," Connie Hedegaard, the EU Commissioner for Climate Action, told reporters in a briefing in Washington. Hedegaard has been visiting lawmakers, administration and World Bank officials as...

Coal plants still pressured despite Romney plan, EPA court loss

Reuters: Coal-fired power plants will face pressure and in some cases closure despite a Republican energy plan favorable to the industry and a court victory against new environmental rules. As many as one-sixth of U.S. coal-fired power plants would close within eight years and be replaced by natural gas, according to an Energy Department estimate. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney on Thursday laid out his new energy policy that aims to promote oil and natural gas production and roll back...