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As floods hit, Pakistan’s Kalasha people fear for their way of life

Reuters: For Akram Hussain, unprecedented monsoon floods that drenched his Hindu Kush mountain valley this year were a danger to more than just homes and crops. His 4,000-strong Kalasha people, who live in three remote valleys in north-west Pakistan, preserve an ancient way of life, including animist beliefs at odds with Pakistan’s dominant Islamic state religion. That has led to threats by the Taliban, who call them kafirs, or non-believers. Outsiders, looking for arable land, also have increasingly...

Debris cover slowing melt of Pakistan’s Karakoram glaciers – scientist

Reuters: For the past several years, the large glaciers of Pakistan's Karakoram mountain range were thought to have been stable, with some even advancing slightly. But scientist Christoph Mayer, recently back from doing field studies on the glaciers, believes their future remains negative as the planet warms. The phenomenon of these glaciers that appear not to have shrunk - at odds with the retreat of other mountain glaciers worldwide due to rising temperatures - has been dubbed the "Karakoram Anomaly'....