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Iowa scientists warn of need for climate change action

Reuters: A group of scientists in the top U.S. grain-growing state of Iowa said on Monday that this year's harsh drought was a sign of things to come and should spur more action to prepare for the challenges of a warming climate. "Weather varies too much and has too many drivers to attribute any particular event to a single cause like climate change, but there is a clear pattern of crop loss and property damage from increasingly frequent events such as flooding, drought and dangerous storms," said Dave...

EPA chief says will decide in July on U.S. dust rule

Reuters: The head of the Environmental Protection Agency said she will decide in July whether to tighten U.S. controls on dust, an issue that has stirred fear in farm country of costly federal regulation. Livestock and farm groups say it would be impossible to comply with stricter standards on exposure to dust, which they say is a natural part of farming. EPA regulates dust, formally described as particulate matter, under anti-pollution laws. "It's my decision to make a final recommendation. That'll...