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Japan: Two years on: How nuclear sells itself post-Fukushima

Reuters: Two years after catastrophe at Japan's Fukushima plant, sellers of atomic reactors woo potential buyers with the promise that lessons learned from one of the world's worst nuclear disasters make the technology safer than ever. The March 2011 earthquake and tsunami triggered meltdowns and radiation leaks at the plant, 150 miles northeast of Tokyo, causing widespread contamination and prompting mass evacuations. The shockwave through the nuclear industry has not subsided and Fukushima plant owner...

Green power subsidy decision delayed for the second time

Reuters: The government on Tuesday put off for a second time a crucial announcement on subsidy levels for renewable energy, risking further delays in projects that will help Britain meet its legally binding climate change targets. The government was due to announce by Tuesday new state support levels for renewable energy projects from April 2013, before Parliament breaks for summer recess. "We will not be making an announcement today. We will bring forward the proposals in due course as we are discussing...