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Schools shut as toxic levels rise after New Jersey train wreck

Reuters: Schools in Paulsboro, New Jersey, were ordered closed on Monday after authorities detected rising levels of toxic chemicals streaming from a freight train wrecked in a derailment last week. Investigators, meanwhile, said Conrail workers had checked a bridge just one day before it collapsed on Friday, derailing seven of the 82 freight-train cars crossing the Mantua Creek, which feeds into the Delaware River near Philadelphia. "We have information that there were people out from Conrail working...

Maryland prepares lawsuit over PA gas drilling effect on water

Reuters: The state of Maryland plans to sue the company that operated a gas well that ruptured in Pennsylvania, spilling fluids into a fresh water tributary that eventually flows into the Chesapeake Bay, Maryland's attorney general said on Wednesday. The well in Bradford County blew out on April 19, spilling "thousands of gallons" of fracking fluids into the Towanda Creek, which pours into the Susquehanna River, Attorney General Douglas Gansler said. The Susquehanna supplies 45 percent of the fresh water...