Author Archive

Ice Cores Analysis Shows Warming And CO2 Are Closely Related

redOrbit: Scientists have always linked the increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide to a rise in global temperatures, but new research by an international team of scientists connects the cause and effect more strongly than ever before. According to their report recently published in the scientific journal Climate of the Past, the research team tested tiny bubbles of air trapped in layers of ice around Antarctica for carbon dioxide levels and found that rising levels of carbon dioxide is connected very strongly...

Study Shows Heat Waves More Common Due To Global Warming

redOrbit: While a new study warned about the increasing odds of heat waves sweeping the earth, it also suggested the controversial nature and political undertones of climate studies. The study, led by National Oceanographic and Atmospheric (NOAA) scientists and issued in coordination with the U.K. Met (Meterology) Office, said that global warming made the 2011 Texas heat waves from March through August 20 times as likely as they would have been in the 1960s. The report also noted that the unusually warm...

Florida Just Says No To GM Mosquitoes

redOrbit: Florida residents are voicing their opposition to the release of genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes by a British pest control company; despite the fact that the pesky critters were engineered to impede the spread of dengue fever. Dengue Fever, which comes from a virus spread by the bite of an infected mosquito, was first recognized in the 1950s, yet has become a leading cause of hospitalization and death among children in tropical Asian and Latin American countries. The incidence of dengue has...