Author Archive

Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining: Five Things You Need to Know

Rainforest Action Network: A few days ago, I sat down for an interview with the good folks at Living on Earth, Public Radio International`s weekly environmental news show. We talked about RAN`s work fighting mountaintop removal (MTR) coal mining in Appalachia, and the banks that fund it. From that interview, here are five things you need to know: MTR destroys some of the most biodiverse ecosystems in the U.S. The first step in blowing the top off a mountain is clear cutting the forest off the top of it--some of the most...

Time for France’s Biggest Bank to Stop Funding Mountaintop Removal Coal

Rainforest Action Network: The campaign to stop bank financing of mountaintop removal coal mining is gaining momentum. For years, RAN and other organizations in the global BankTrack network have urged U.S. and European banks to stop financing the devastation caused by mountaintop removal (MTR) coal mining. BankTrack members have worked closely with advocates from Appalachia -- the region hardest hit by MTR -- including Paul Corbit Brown and Elise Keaton from Keeper of the Mountains, and Bob Kincaid from Coal River Mountain...

13 Arrested Protesting Keystone XL at TransCanada’s Houston Headquarters

Rainforest Action Network: Thirteen activists were arrested while staging a peaceful sit-in at the Houston TransCanada Headquarters in opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline. Dozens of Texans rallied nearby in support of the activists who risked arrest at Monday`s protest. Activists rallied across the street in Market Square Park with signs before marching to the TransCanada office and staging a sit-in in protest of the foreign oil company`s efforts to build a giant pipeline through American soil so it can export the tar...

You’ve Got A Facebook Request From Mark Zuckerberg: Support Keystone XL!

Rainforest Action Network: Today, Think Progress outed Mark Zuckerberg`s new political group as a shill for the fossil fuel industry. The Facebook mogul, along with the founders of Dropbox, LinkedIn and Microsoft (that would be Bill Gates) founded a new political group called FWD.US that has spent considerable resources on ads promoting the Keystone XL Pipeline and Arctic oil drilling. All in the name of "jobs," of course. While the world faces extreme weather events like super-hurricanes, wildfires, droughts and rising...

Pledging to Resist the Keystone XL Madness

Rainforest Action Network: In the smart new F/X drama “The Americans” about Elizabeth and Phillip, a pair of lovable Soviet sleeper agents living in the DC suburbs during the Reagan-era 1980s, a top Soviet spy tells Elizabeth “the American people have elected a madman as their president. He makes no secret of his desire to destroy us.” The Reagan years represented a dangerous time in global history. Along with the nuclear arms race that eventually bankrupted the already faltering Soviet Union and took the world to the edge...

Texas Oil Spill Hits Home for Tar Sands Activists

Rainforest Action Network: Does the Tar Sands Blockade (TSB) have a crystal ball we didn’t know about? Yesterday in Tyler County, TX, a pipeline operated by Sunoco Logistics sprung a leak and spilled 20,000 gallons (or 550 barrels) of oil into local East Texas waterways. Deep East Texas is known for its creeks and lakes, freshwater eco-systems and aquifers that provide water to the eastern part of the state, including mega-cities Dallas and Houston. But oil companies treat these forests and waterways as collateral damage....

Why we Must Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline

Rainforest Action Network: “Now that we have seen what the Tar Sands in Alberta looks like, this is not about the pipeline going through our farm. This is about Alberta, about the world. ” This week tens of thousands of people have arrived in Washington D.C. to defend the climate and demonstrate their opposition to the Keystone XL (KXL) pipeline in what has become the largest rally on climate change in U.S. history. What’s the issue? The pipeline is a 1700-mile, $7-billion project that would bring 700,000 barrels...

Patriot Coal to End Mountaintop Removal Mining

Rainforest Action Network: Good news for Appalachia: Patriot Coal recently announced its decision to end mountaintop removal (MTR) coal mining. Rainforest Action Network has been talking for many years about why this egregious form of mining needs to be ended immediately. This is significant news, Patriot is the third largest producer of MTR coal, responsible for almost 8% of the coal mined by this method in 2011. Most encouragingly, along with its commitment to end large scale surface mining in the region, Patriot...

Show Your Solidarity for Frontline Activists Protesting the Keystone XL Pipeline

Rainforest Action Network: As we write, our friends with the Tar Sands Blockade are blocking construction of TransCanada`s Keystone XL pipeline in the woods of Texas. For the past six months they have built a movement of climate activists, rural landowners, Texans, Oklahomans and people from all over the country to fiercely resist it. For two weeks, they have captured the imagination of the world with a daring tree-sit and bold ground actions near Winnsboro, TX that have delayed TransCanada`s operations. TransCanada has...