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Anti-fracking protests expected worldwide

Press TV: ‘Fracktivists’ from over 20 countries will gather on Saturday to call for an end to fracking and “dangerous” shale gas extractions and demand action to protect the public, Russia Today reported. Activists from Australia, New Zealand, Africa, and Indonesia will also join the global movement. So far, a total 26 countries are listed to be participating in the planned protest rally. The use of hydraulic fracturing technique, commonly known as fracking, in gas and oil exploration involves pumping...

1000s Romanians protest Canadian gold mine project

Press TV: Thousands of Romanians have staged demonstrations against a controversial Canadian project that would open Europe’s largest gold mine in the country. On Sunday, approximately 4,000 people, who were carrying Romanian flags, marched in the capital Bucharest to show their opposition to the project, chanting "United we can save Rosia Montana." Demonstrators are against the plans by Canadian company Gabriel Resources to mine in the village of Rosia Montana in the region of Transylvania. "I am...

British fracking firm stops drilling amid fierce protests

Press TV: British Energy giant Cuadrilla Resources has stopped its exploration work in the West Sussex countryside in southern England amid growing protests from locals and environmentalists, local media reported. In the face of fierce protests, the fracking firm halted its controversial drilling after it was threatened by activists, who said they will act directly to disrupt the process. Cuadrilla admitted to scale back its drilling activities on the Sussex Police’s advice following reports that thousands...