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Environment Canada predicts two degrees of warming by 2050

Postmedia: Environment Canada‘s most optimistic projections for climate change predict even faster warming of the atmosphere than the consensus view reached this week by an international panel assessing the latest scientific evidence. Reached by telephone in Sweden where he contributed to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, senior Environment Canada scientist Greg Flato said that even in the best-case scenarios for limiting growth of heat-trapping greenhouse gas emissions, his federal...

Canadian Government Targets U.S. Reporters to Promote Keystone XL

Postmedia: The Harper government has created an elaborate strategy to promote approval of the Keystone XL pipeline that includes an outreach program targeting American journalists behind the scenes, newly released diplomatic correspondence reveals. The documents reveal a flurry of activity among Canadian diplomats in the United States, dating back to the summer of 2011, as unexpected delays and a national North American protest movement started to emerge regarding Alberta-based TransCanada’s pipeline expansion...