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John Kerry slams climate skeptics & fossil fuels, but sidesteps Keystone

Politico: Secretary of State John Kerry railed against climate change skeptics on Thursday, saying that "future generations will not and should not forgive those who ignore this moment, no matter their reasoning,' though he offered no direct clues on whether he would back the Keystone XL pipeline. Kerry's speech was the latest warning from the administration about the threat of carbon pollution from fossil fuels and the need to reach a strong, long-term international pact to combat global warming at the...

Senate Keystone debate to delve into climate, oil exports

Politico: The Senate's Monday vote to start the debate over the Keystone XL pipeline bill has opened the legislative floodgates for the new GOP Congress, with members on both sides of the aisle set to unleash a torrent of politically sensitive energy amendments on issues such as crude oil exports and climate change. The climate amendment, backed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), is designed to pin down senators' views about the connection between humans' greenhouse gas emissions and global warming, while...

Obama hits Keystone again but declines to threaten veto

Politico: President Barack Obama poured cold water once again on the alleged economic benefits of the Keystone XL oil pipeline on Friday -- a theme he has sounded frequently in the past few months, increasing speculation that he will eventually kill the project. Obama said at his year-end news conference that the Alberta-to-Texas project would have "very little' effect on gasoline prices and do little to improve the economy. He acknowledged that building the pipeline would create a "couple thousand' temporary...

Greens: Climate march shatters record

Politico: Al Gore, Leonardo DiCaprio and U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon joined a larger-than-expected throng of activists, scientists, students and elected officials who took to New York City's streets Sunday for a massive march meant to sound the alarm about climate change. Organizers initially estimated that the march had drawn 310,000 people, then raised that estimate to nearly 400,000 -- far exceeding their projections of 100,000 attendees and making the procession through midtown Manhattan by far...

Greens plan huge push President Obama climate plan

Politico: President Barack Obama's new climate rule is getting a major push from his green allies, who plan to blitz the airwaves next week with the start of a summer-long campaign to champion the administration's attack on carbon. Obama's fiercest critics, meanwhile, are largely holding their fire for now. That means environmental, public health and religious groups may be waging a mostly one-sided publicity onslaught -- at least in nationwide paid media -- after the White House and the EPA unveil their...

President Obama: Fate California farms affects whole country

Politico: It's not often President Barack Obama gives a speech centered on agriculture, but the three years of scorching drought in California prompted him to fly there Friday to speak to weary farmers and ranchers and pledge millions of dollars worth of aid. "As anyone in this state could tell you, California is living through some of its driest years in a century,' Obama said after touring a farm and a water facility. Moments before Obama briefly painted a bleak picture of the state's condition by describing...

Obama hints at Keystone approval

Politico: President Barack Obama basked in applause Tuesday as he announced what sounded like a daunting environmental threshold for the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline -- that the project can't go forward if it would "significantly' increase greenhouse gas emissions. What he didn't mention: His own State Department has already indicated that the pipeline can meet that standard. The State Department still hasn't issued its final environmental study on the pipeline, and the EPA has joined green activists...

D.C. snowstorm scrubs global-warming hearing

Politico: The House Science, Space and Technology Committee announced early Wednesday that it's postponing its environmental subcommittee's scheduled 10 a.m. hearing on the state of the science behind climate change. As a reason, it cited "weather." The session was apparently designed to shore up the knowledge of subcommittee members ahead of expected new carbon regulations from President Barack Obama. As of Tuesday evening, a committee spokesman had insisted the show would go on. From the start, the...

Greens may face reckoning over Keystone

Politico: Green groups came out early — and hard — for President Barack Obama this season. They threw in money from the start. They drummed up big-name endorsements when other liberal groups hung back. And they’ve joined the ranks of campaign foot soldiers. So environmentalists should be excited to see their guy ahead in the polls — a sign that their hard work is paying off. Instead, they’re grappling with a tough reality: Even a win could be setting themselves up for a colossal loss early next year. Many...

Climate talks put heat on Obama

Politico: President Barack Obama faces several big green tests over the next year on the international stage. Environmentalists and foreign allies are clamoring for U.S. leadership from the Nobel Prize winner on a pair of upcoming summits focused on global warming, sustainable development and biodiversity. But the White House will need to temper expectations on its foreign policy as it fends off Republicans eager to keep Obama from winning a second term. U.S. officials say a presidential trip to Rio de...