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UN chief urges the world to realize full potential of forests

People Daily: Marking the launch of the International Year of Forests, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Wednesday called on the world to realize the full potential of forests to ensure future prosperity. "By declaring 2011 as the International Year of Forests, the United Nations General Assembly has created an important platform to educate the global community about the great value of forests -- and the extreme social, economic and environmental costs of losing them," Ban said in a video message for the launch...

Indonesia prepares rice seeds in anticipating climate change issue: minister

People Daily: Indonesia prepares rice seeds in anticipating climate change issue: minister Indonesian farming ministry is preparing three kinds of rice seeds to secure the sustainability of rice deposit in the country in anticipating the impact of climate change issue, a minister said here on Wednesday. Indonesian Farming Minister Siswono said that those three rice seeds are apparently adaptive to extreme natural conditions related to climate change phenomenon. Those three paddy seeds were code named Inpara,...