Author Archive

Cuomo can check Pennsylvania town to see fracking debate in real life

NY Daily News: As he weighs perhaps the most contentious decision of his administration, whether to allow drilling for natural gas upstate, Gov. Cuomo need look only a few miles south of New York’s border to see the fierce debate playing out in real time. Here in this old industrial town and surrounding Bradford County, the benefits of fracking -- a controversial method of extracting natural gas from shale rock underground -- are clear. Concrete well pads, drill rigs and pipelines are spread across the hills...

Green Party gubernatorial candidate Howie Hawkins gains traction Democrats unhappy Cuomo

NY Daily News: The only thing standing between Gov. Cuomo and his hopes for a resounding victory on Election Day might be a 61-year-old United Parcel Service worker from Syracuse. Howie Hawkins has taken a leave of absence from his job unloading UPS trucks to run as the Green Party candidate for governor. Casting himself as the “progressive choice” in the race, he has gained traction among Democrats unhappy with Cuomo for embracing tax cuts and charter schools, and for not banning fracking, a gas-drilling...