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How to survive the end of the world TSUNAMIS, cyclones, raging fires and epidemics. We keep hearing about all the ways the world could implode at any second. But most of us haven`t even thought about preparing for the worst. With natural disasters an inevitability, environmental experts say being ready isn`t just for the paranoid. Melbourne authors Jane Rawson and James Whitmore have co-written The Handbook, a practical guide for surviving the apocalypse, or something close. They say we need to think seriously about these...

Controversial US telescope’s website down THIRTY Meter Telescope spokeswoman Caroline Witherspoon confirmed that the company's website suffered a disruption. She said the website was unavailable for about two hours on Sunday. "TMT today was the victim of an unscrupulous denial of service attack, apparently launched by Anonymous," said Sandra Dawson, a spokeswoman for the project. "The incident is being investigated." Native Hawaiians consider the land on top of Mauna Kea to be sacred and have been opposing the telescope project. Hawaii...

Vanuatu: Cyclone Pam brings ‘catastrophic’ death, destruction AID workers say eight people are confirmed dead in Vanuatu after a massive cyclone tore through the tiny South Pacific archipelago and the death toll is expected to rise much higher. Chloe Morrison, a World Vision emergency communications officer in Port Vila, said Sunday that officials from Vanuatu`s National Disaster Management Office confirmed to her agency that eight people in and around the capital had died during the cyclone. She says officials haven`t been able to assess the damage in...

Records melt across country as capitals experience weeks of unseasonably warm weather COSY blankets and jumpers have remained in the wardrobe for much of May - and southeast Australia should prepare for a warmer-than-average winter. Records have melted across our capital cities as much of the nation enjoys an unseasonably warm month. The sun continues to shine on New South Wales, where Sydneysiders have experienced a run of 16 days above 22C, which is unheard of for May. The May mean maximum temperature is 23.3C - 3.9C above what Sydney usually experiences at this time of...

Expert claims climate change making tornadoes weaker CLIMATE change may be ­altering our weather but it may not necessarily be for the worse, with one leading ­climate scientist claiming tornadoes may actually be getting weaker. While we may have experienced a week of wild weather - with everything from Sydney's own travelling tornado to ­record-setting twisters in the US and a massive volcanic eruption in Indonesia, all ­following hard on the heels of the devastating Philippines ­typhoon - US weather expert Professor Richard A. Muller says there...

Climate change turned Sandy into the Frankenstorm CLIMATE change did not cause Sandy the Frankenstorm. But it gave her a big shot in the arm and turned her into the beast that she became. Scientists say the devastating storm was super-sized by climate change, fuelled by the same processes that will cause more extreme cyclones in Australia. Professor Matthew England is chair of the Science Advisory Panel to the Australian Climate Commission, as well as being the joint director of the Climate Change Research Centre at the University of New South...

Australians have limited understanding of climate change, Climate Institute finds FIVE years after Kevin Rudd described it as our generation's greatest moral challenge, people still have no idea what climate change is or what's being done to tackle it. A new survey by the Climate Institute on attitudes to climate change shows the majority are concerned for the environment, but confusion reigns supreme. After years of vigorous and at times toxic debate, more than 1000 people surveyed gave an amazing array of answers when asked what thoughts climate change triggered, from...

Australia’s coral reefs threatened by climate change Osprey Reef in the Coral Sea near the Great Barrier Reef. Picture: Lindsay Moller Source: The Australian SHOCKING evidence has been released claiming that nearly all of Australia's coral reefs are at risk of being wiped out in less than two decades. The report by the World Resources Institute claims that by 2030, 90 per cent of Australia's reefs will suffer from the overwhelming effects of climate change like warmer seas and acidification. It also outlines the threat to the rest of the world's...