Author Archive

Survival of plants top of the agenda

New Zealand Herald: While the politics of climate change are being played out in Canberra, many of the world's leading botanists are in Melbourne discussing the science of survival for the planet's plant life. Researchers at the week-long International Botanical Congress warn of implications ranging from the threat to future food supplies from declining agricultural land and potential clashes between farming and crucial ecosystems to impacts on grape-growing for wine. And as demand grows for new means of feeding...

Earth’s gravest challenge: Not enough food to go round

New Zealand Herald: As negotiators sat down this week for another hard round of bargaining at the climate change summit in Cancun, Mexico, new warnings emerged of potential catastrophe ahead. Researchers reported in Science magazine that almost every part of the world's oceans have been damaged by human activity, magnified by a significant rise in water temperatures and predicted more would come. Another study, by the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, warned of a potential mass extinction as the number...