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Taps Start to Run Dry in Brazil Largest City

New York Times: Endowed with the Amazon and other mighty rivers, an array of huge dams and one-eighth of the world’s fresh water, Brazil is sometimes called the “Saudi Arabia of water,” so rich in the coveted resource that some liken it to living above a sea of oil. But in Brazil’s largest and wealthiest city, a more dystopian situation is unfolding: the taps are starting to run dry. As southeast Brazil grapples with its worst drought in nearly a century, a problem worsened by polluted rivers, deforestation and...

21 bodies found in Colombia mudslide

New York Times: Colombian rescue teams on Monday recovered 21 bodies of victims killed by a mudslide that ripped through a poor hillside area above Medellín, but they feared that more than a hundred other people, including dozens of children, might have died in the disaster. The mudslide, which occurred Sunday even as a clear blue sky prevailed over Medellín, was induced by heavy rains in recent weeks that have damaged as many as 200,000 homes across Colombia. So far, the rains, considered the worst in Colombia...