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Celebrating Deep Freeze, Insect Experts See a Chance to Kill Off Invasive Species

New York Times: While some people were cursing a canceled flight or wishing they had donned an extra layer on Tuesday, when temperatures in the region took a deep dive, entomologists, foresters and naturalists were rooting for the mercury to drop even lower. That is because the extreme cold has the potential to beat back some of the invasive insects threatening treasured local tree and plant species. “You do think, ‘Oh great, maybe some of those nasty insects are going to get zapped today,’ ” said Mark Fisher,...

Conservation Group Keeps Buying Land, Helping State Parks Grow

New York Times: Working quietly and quickly, the Open Space Institute, a nonprofit conservation group, has bought acreage surrounding park borders, combining together smaller parcels as they come up for sale, and then selling them to the state, at cost or below. Using money from the Lila Acheson and Dewitt Wallace Endowment Fund, the group has led efforts to conserve 40,000 acres through 77 individual deals statewide; that represents more than 10 percent of the state park system's current 335,000 acres. "We can...

Much to savor, and worry about, amid mild winter’s early blooms

New York Times: At the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx, an experimental plot was in full flower on a recent February afternoon, as the thermometer edged toward 60. The Japanese camellias, which typically bloom in early spring, have displayed their rose-hued flowers continuously since December. Honeybees, a rarity before late March, were nursing the tiny pink clusters on a Dawn viburnum, while the Adonis amurensis, a ground-hugging spring ephemeral, was a profusion of yellow. “This is the earliest I’ve seen...