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Candidates’ Views on Drilling Begin With Glance Back

New York Times: Greg Abbott and Wendy Davis have sparred over education. The issues of officeholder ethics and equal pay have also surfaced. But in the head-to-head battle for Texas governor that began well before each party officially nominated its candidates, neither Mr. Abbott, the state's Republican attorney general, nor Ms. Davis, a Democratic state senator, has paid much attention to an issue that has touched most every Texan: the state's rapid growth in oil and gas production. As the state deals with...

Drought hastens end of a region’s hydropower era

New York Times: The yearslong drought in Central Texas could eventually snuff out a renewable power source that fueled the region’s early growth: hydropower. Faced with dwindling water supplies, the Lower Colorado River Authority, which supplies water and energy to much of Central Texas, is limiting downstream water releases for activities like rice farming. Aside from stirring controversy among water users, the changes have shrunk the amount of electricity the agency generates from its six Colorado River dams....