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Court Case on Fracking Ban in Dryden, N.Y., May Have Wide Implications

New York Times: This town in the Finger Lakes region is not the kind of place where one would expect a grass-roots uprising. Even its promotional brochure makes it sound sleepy, listing the main attractions as “a few large dairy farms, some crop farms and several horse ranches.” But Dryden could soon be synonymous with something more than animals and agriculture. In August 2011, the town passed a zoning ordinance effectively forbidding hydraulic fracturing, the controversial gas extraction method also known as...

Finally, California Finds a Surplus: 50 Feet of Snow

New York Times: Sure, fine, California may have its problems right now. There is the budget, yes, what with that pesky $26.5 billion deficit, and the legislative stalemate with its, you know, stalemate-ness. Unemployment is still high, and so is anxiety, about everything from housing prices to radioactive clouds drifting over from Japan. But California has at least one thing going for it at the moment: Mother Nature. This winter, the state, which had been stuck in a prolonged drought, was positively walloped...