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More Pigs Found in River

New York Times: The number of dead pigs found in a river near Shanghai rose to more than 13,000 over the weekend. Last Friday, the figure stood at about 7,500. The authorities, who are in the middle of a weeklong effort to collect the carcasses, are still trying to determine how the pigs died and why they ended up in the Huangpu River, which winds through Shanghai. The government has insisted that there is no evidence of an epidemic and that the food supply is safe. City officials also say the river meets national...

A Tide of Death, but This Time Food Supply Is Safe

New York Times: Hard as it may be to believe, the recent discovery of thousands of pig carcasses floating in a river that supplies drinking water to Shanghai may represent an encouraging step forward in Chinese public health. In May, for example, the police in this hog-producing city arrested four people who had sold dead pigs to slaughterhouses. And in December, a Zhejiang Province court sentenced 17 people to prison sentences, one for life, for processing and selling meat from pigs that had died of various diseases....