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Giant telescope Hawaii gets go-ahead, others shut down

New Scientist: One in four must go. Hawaii's giant Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) is back in business after a hiatus of 2 months - but at the expense of other telescopes. Back in April, construction of the telescope was temporarily halted in the face of mounting protests from native Hawaiians. The telescope would dwarf any observatory now in existence, allowing astronomers to peer to the very edge of the visible universe. Its presence atop the extinct volcano Mauna Kea, however, which many Hawaiians consider sacred...

Native Hawaiians halt construction of giant telescope

New Scientist: Sarah Ballard studies exoplanets for a living, so like many other astronomers around the world she's eager to see the Thirty Meter Telescope (the TMT for short) go into operation in the early 2020s. With a light-collecting mirror nine times larger than the ones on the twin Keck Telescopes, currently the world's most powerful, the TMT will revolutionise the search for Earth-like worlds around other stars, and be able to peer to the very edges of the visible universe. But Ballard, an astronomer...