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Australia will pay dearly for repealing carbon tax

New Scientist: Australia's carbon tax, one of the world's landmark attempts to stop climate change, is officially no more. The country's government says the move will save money, but in reality the costs will be high. Instead of decreasing its greenhouse gas emissions, Australia is likely to grow them by up to 18 per cent by 2020. The government has outlined plans to cut emissions in a different way, but analysts say this is likely to cost more and achieve less than the original carbon tax. The repeal may also...

Fix farms in a few countries and feed 3 billion people

New Scientist: Give us the right levers and we shall feed the world. The lion's share of the world's food production problems stem from just a handful of countries. If we could concentrate on these problem areas, we could potentially feed 3 billion more people and massively reduce the environmental damage from farming. "The way we're growing agriculture right now is totally not sustainable," says Paul West of the University of Minnesota in St Paul. West and his colleagues looked for "leverage points": areas...