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ANOTHER Mass Extinction?! Compelling Proof of Past Mass Die-off

Nature World News: As far as scientists know, there have been a grand total of five mass extinctions over the last 500-million years - world-changing events during which the great majority of Earth's life was eliminated to make way for new organisms and evolutionary paths. However, for several decades, some experts have suspected that a 6th mass extinction existed among these "Big Five." Now researchers are claiming to have found extremely compelling proof of its existence. It has long been known that 252 million...

Minnesota Bans Anti-Bacterial Chemical From Soaps

Nature World News: Minnesota will be the first US state to ban triclosan, an ingredient commonly found in soaps, toothpaste, and deodorants that some researchers have linked to health and environmental problems, including the increased prevalence of drug resistant bacteria. Governor Mark Dayton of Minnesota signed a bill on Friday which prohibits the use of triclosan in most retail consumer hygiene products. According to the Associated Press, the bill was inspired by a growing pile of reports that link the ingredient...