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Three ways climate change made Hurricane Sandy worse

National Public Radio: It’s tempting to look at a colossal storm like Sandy - the lives lost, the millions without power - and lay the blame completely on climate change. But Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, director of the Climate Science Center at Texas Tech University, says it`s not that simple. “We can never say one specific event is because of climate change, but what we can say is that climate change has altered the background conditions over which these events occur," Hayhoe tells us. A hurricane at this time of year, for...

Fracking company paid Texas professor behind water contamination study

National Public Radio: Dr. Charles “Chip” Groat, who led a study on fracking and groundwater contamination, didn’t disclose over a million dollars in compensation and stock from a drilling company. Earlier this year, a study led by Dr. Charles “Chip” Groat for the Energy Institute at the University of Texas at Austin made headlines for saying there was no link between fracking and groundwater contamination. (When we reported on the study in February, we noted that the study also found some serious issues around the...