Author Archive

Communities Demand Environmental Review of Plans to Increase Transport of Tar Sands Oil by Rail and Barge

EcoWatch: Citizens, local community leaders and environmental groups, representing thousands of area residents, mobilized to call on the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to immediately order a full public safety and environmental review of the proposed expansion of an oil terminal in the Port of Albany today at the agency’s first information forum to allow the public to ask questions and express concerns about the plan. A DOT-111 car, which is currently the type of train car...

Fracking Rules Fall Short of Protecting New Yorkers

EcoWatch: Based on an extensive, expert-supported evaluation, a coalition of environmental groups announced today that New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) proposed fracking rules fall short of protecting New York residents and should not be finalized before the environmental and public health reviews are complete. In nearly 200 pages of formal joint comments submitted to the state, the coalition highlighted a number of shortcomings in the draft rules released by the state last...

United States: A Wake-Up Call on the Hudson

EcoWatch: Riverkeeper released its second report on sewage contamination in the Hudson River Estuary today, How Is the Water? 2012 detailing the ongoing widespread problem of sewage pollution in our local waterways. Twenty-four percent of Riverkeeper’s samples, taken from NY Harbor to Troy between 2006-2011, failed EPA guidelines for safe swimming. This is up from a failure rate of 21 percent for 2006-2010 and is three times greater than the 7 percent failure rate at beaches nationwide for the same time...

Groups Call on Cuomo to Open Up Fracking Health Review to Public

EcoWatch: A coalition of New York State’s leading environmental and good-government groups today called on state officials to publicly release the details of a health review of proposed fracking that is currently underway. In a letter to state Health Commissioner Dr. Nirav R. Shah and Environmental Conservation Commissioner Joseph Martens, representatives of a dozen prominent organizations urged the state to release the details and forthcoming results of the review, which is currently being evaluated by a...