Author Archive

Radioactive Leak at Indian Point Nuclear Plant Shows ‘We Are Flirting With Catastrophe’

EcoWatch: New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has called for Indian Point nuclear power plant to be shut down after officials discovered that a radioactive material known as tritium was leaking into the groundwater. New York: Radiation Spikes 65,000% at #IndianPoint Nuclear Plant After Leak -- Democracy Now! (@democracynow) February 9, 2016 On Feb. 6, Cuomo ordered an investigation into the leak after Entergy, the company that operates the plant, reported...

Erin Brockovich to Stephen Colbert: ‘Flint, Michigan Is the Tip of the Iceberg’

EcoWatch: Environmental activist Erin Brockovich appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert to talk about the Flint water crisis. Brockovich said members of the Flint community reached out to her a year ago because they were concerned about how their water looked, tasted and smelled. She sent a team of experts to Flint to investigate and even drafted a protocol for how the city should deal with the problem. She explained to the audience what went wrong in Flint and what the city needs to do to provide...

Another Lead Water Poisoning Scandal Has Erupted, This Time in Ohio

EcoWatch: Amid the Flint, Michigan water crisis, experts warned that what`s happening in Flint could happen elsewhere. And now it appears it already has. The town of Sebring, Ohio outside of Youngstown learned Thursday that high levels of lead were detected in some residents` water last summer. Residents are now demanding to know why they have been left in the dark for months. According to the AP, schools have been closed for three days, children are being tested for lead poisoning, bottled water is being...

12 Earthquakes Hit Frack-Happy Oklahoma in Less Than a Week

EcoWatch: After the Oklahoma City area was hit by at least a dozen earthquakes in less than a week, the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, which regulates the state’s oil and gas industry, ordered Monday that several injection well operators reduce wastewater disposal volumes. “We are working with researchers on the entire area of the state involved in the latest seismic activity to plot out where we should go from here,” Oil and Gas Conservation Division Director Tim Baker told the Associated Press. The commission’s...

10 Ways Ocean Pollution Makes Us Sick

EcoWatch: Our oceans are very polluted and full of plastic. Roughly 8 million tons of plastic is dumped into the world’s oceans every year, and according to a new study, the majority of this waste comes from just five countries: China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. Regardless of its source, plastic pollution has a devastating impact on marine life. At EcoWatch, we`ve highlighted photos of sea turtles killed by ingesting plastic and other debris. And just recently, two whales have been...

Two Dams Collapse at Brazilian Mine, Village Engulfed in ‘Thick, Red Toxic Mud’

EcoWatch: Two dams collapsed at the Germano iron ore mine in Brazil’s state of Minas Gerais yesterday, unleashing “a deluge of thick, red toxic mud that engulfed a village,” according to RTE News. Dozens are missing, but the exact number of injured and dead are unknown. Rcurrently reports 30 injured and two dead, while RTE News reports 50 injured and 17 dead. The death toll is expected to rise as recovery efforts have been hampered by the mudslides, which knocked out roads and cell towers. “In reality there...

Urine Samples Show How Eating Organic Can Dramatically Reduce Pesticides in Your Body

EcoWatch: Research from the IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute has shown that switching from a conventional diet to an organic one can drastically reduce the presence of pesticides in your body. This video from the institute shows what happens when a family switches to an all-organic diet for two weeks: But new research published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives shows that just eating organic might not be enough to keep pesticides out of our bodies. Civil Eats reported: Researchers...

Ben Carson Says He Doesn’t Believe in Climate Change or Evolution

EcoWatch: If it weren`t such an incredibly pressing issue, it would be comical how Republican presidential candidates have responded to the simple question "Do you believe in climate change?" Ben Carson's Follies: 7 of the Most Stupefying Statements by the GOP's Favorite Neurosurgeon -- AlterNet (@AlterNet) September 29, 2015 At a campaign event on Wednesday at the University of New Hampshire, Ben Carson was asked: "You don`t believe in evolution...

Tim DeChristopher: We Need to End All New Fossil Fuel Leases on Public Lands

EcoWatch: Tim DeChristopher, co-founder of the new Climate Disobedience Center and outspoken climate justice activist, is calling for an end to all new fossil fuel leases on public lands and oceans. He argues that declaring unleased oil, gas and coal on public lands as "unburnable" would accomplish more in the global fight against climate change than any other single action taken by the Obama administration. He argues that it could prevent 90 times more carbon emissions from being emitted than Obama`s Clean...

Watch NASA Explain Why We Should All Be Worried About Greenland’s Melting Ice Sheet

EcoWatch: NASA scientists are worried about Greenland. Its ice sheet is three times the size of Texas and a mile deep on average. The only place with more of the world’s ice is Antarctica. But Greenland is warming twice as fast as Antarctica, NASA says. This rapid melting is raising global sea levels at an alarming rate—even faster than expected. That’s why NASA scientists are “monitoring Greenland’s ice sheet from high up in space to the ocean floor below to provide data for scientists studying the global...