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NASA scientists predict global warming could dry up Southwest, Midwest America by 2050

Daily News: America the beautiful’s amber waves of grain could dry up and blow away if carbon emissions aren’t curbed, scientists predict. “Unprecedented drought conditions,” could leave much of California, the Southwest and Midwest dry as a bone by 2050 due to global warming, according to a study NASA scientists released Thursday. The epic dry spells would make current droughts look like a break in the clouds compared with the arid conditions predicted. “Nearly every year is going to be dry toward the end...

Livestock keepers ready for climate change

Daily News: THE vagaries of climate change which seem not to recognize geographical boundaries have not spared the livestock keeping communities, the Maasai, in Monduli, Longido and Ngorongoro districts in Arusha region. Apart from the migratory or nomadic nature of the herders, effects of climate such as increase of temperatures and the subsequent prolonged drought, complicated water collection efforts as well as increased aridity of the grazing land. Ancient philosophers said that knowing the problem facing...

Lack of int’l climate code lets Turkey off hook on emissions

Daily news: The absence of an international regime on climate change has enabled Turkey to enjoy a free ride on a development policy that is careless about emissions, according to an activist. ‘The collapse of the EU process is also the reason why Turkey gives less emphasis to climate change,’ says Ümit Sahin. The major effect of climate change in Turkey is water stress and drought, says Ümit Sahin adding that all three phases of drought; meteorological, agricultural and hydrological, are seen in Turkey....

Climate change takes toll on Mount Kilimanjaro ice cap

Daily News: DEPUTY Minister in the Vice-President’s Office (Environment), Ms Ummy Mwalimu, has said that Mount Kilimanjaro has from 1912 to date lost almost 30 per cent of its ice. Ms Mwalimu told the National Assembly that ice melting at the cap of the mountain was attributed to global warming, according to a research conducted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). She was answering a question from Rajab Mbarouk Mohamed (Ole-CUF) who wanted to know about efforts taken by the government...

More people to get clean, safe water in Tanzania

Daily News: NATIONWIDE implementation of water projects is designed to increase access to clean and safe water to more people from the current 51.09 to 74 per cent before end of next year, equal priority being given to both rural and urban communities, the government has said. Speaking in Dodoma yesterday ahead of the National Water Week Festival to be held from March 16 through to 22, at Jamhuri Stadium, the Minister for Water, Prof Jumanne Maghembe said a total of 1,600 water projects are being implemented...

Water management must for India: President

Daily News: President Pranab Mukherjee Monday said efficient water management is crucial to keep pace with population growth and economic development. "Available water must be managed judiciously to meet the twin burden of population growth and economic development. Conservation, balanced distribution and reclamation of used water are essential cogs in the wheel of water management," Mukherjee said while inaugurating the India Water Week 2013 with the theme 'Efficient Water Management: Challenges and Opportunities'...

Bhutan set to become world’s first wholly organic country

Daily News: Bhutan plans to become the first country in the world to turn its agriculture completely organic, banning the sales of pesticides and herbicides and relying on its own animals and farm waste for fertilizers. But rather than accept that this will mean farmers of the small Himalayan kingdom of 1.2 million people will be able to grow less food, the government expects them to be able to grow more -- and to export increasing amounts of high quality niche foods to neighboring India, China and other...

Tanzania’s aquatic bird species face extinction

Daily News: TANZANIA’s water bird species are in danger of extinction due to drying off of wetlands, a situation contributed by climatic change. Speaking during the 13th Pan-African Ornithological Congress (PAOC 13), taking place here, the Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism, Ambassador Khamisi Kagasheki, said effects of climate change and increasing human activities in reserves and wetlands are to blame for the situation. The country is said to have more than 1,500 bird species, but already 30...

Film About Sinking Island Nominated for Oscar

Daily News: Film About Sinking Island Nominated for Oscar Film About Sinking Island Nominated for Oscar The serious consequences of Earth's changing climate are the subject of a powerful documentary film nominated for an Academy Award, the U.S. film industry's top prize. "Sun Come Up" is the story of the Carteret Islands off the coast of Papua New Guinea, where filmmaker Jennifer Redfearn says Islanders have had no choice but to move to higher ground. "We documented some of the destruction that is happening...