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California’s Fog is Fading Away, Crops Could Suffer

Daily Climate: For California's highway managers, research showing a decline in the Central Valley's unique tule fog is no surprise. The thick ground fog, an iconic weather feature that settles in the San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys during colder months, historically has been a bane to motorists. Researchers have found a 46 percent decline in foggy days over the past three decades, helping motorists but potentially harming the state's valuable fruit and nut trees that depend on the cool and moisture the...

Farewell to the cutthroat trout?

Daily Climate: Any Montana angler worth a double-haul cast knows that the iconic state fish, the westslope cutthroat trout, has been crowded out by the non-native rainbow trout, first introduced to these rivers by well-meaning sportsmen in the 1880s. Now those invaders are taking over the cutthroat's gene pool, too. A new study tracks just how rapidly cross-breeding between the two species has accelerated in the past 30 years. It's invasive hybridization driven by climate change, and it could spell extinction...