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Canada: Catherine McKenna: ‘Climate Change Is Not A Partisan File’

Canadian Press: Federal Environment Minister Catherine McKenna says her role is as a "kind of convener" among disparate factions of the progressive push for climate policies. McKenna appeared Friday at a panel discussion on environmental policy at the Progress Summit hosted by the Broadbent Institute, a left-leaning think tank. She was joined on the stage by Alberta Environment Minister Shannon Phillips and Vancouver city councillor Andrea Reimer, a lineup that illustrated there's no unanimity of thought on...

Climate test for resource projects would likely scuttle oilsands growth

Canadian Press: If Canada and the United States are serious about the climate commitments they made in Paris, they need to establish a common climate test for major resource projects that takes into account a low-carbon future, environmental groups said Tuesday. And they believe any such test is likely to rule out long-term infrastructure, such as pipelines, that leads to expansion of Canada's oil sands production. "It's incompatible to be talking about being a leader on climate change and adhering to international...