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EPA extends water consultation rule

BusinessGreen: The Environmental Protection Agency pushed back a consultation deadline on a broad-ranging water conservation rule this week. Consultation on the The Waters of the US rule, originally deadlined for Oct 20th, will now end on November 15th. The rule is designed to reduce confusion over which wetlands are protected by the 1972 Clean Waters Act. The Act protected navigable US waters from pollution, but for several years, regulators have been uncertain about which upstream water resources were covered...

Climate policy row escalates as Australian temperatures soar

BusinessGreen: Reports emerged late last week that last year was Australia's hottest on record, even as politicians continued to battle over the repeal of the country's carbon tax and its response to escalating climate impacts. The Australian Bureau of Meteorology reported on Friday that the average temperature for 2013 was the hottest since records began in 1910, clocking in at 1.20C above the 1961-1990 average. Moreover, the 10-year mean temperature for 2004-2013 was 0.50C above average, the Bureau said. ...

US mining firm sues Canadian province over fracking rights

BusinessGreen: A US mining company is suing the Government of Quebec for violating free trade rules, after the Canadian province stopped it from fracking in its territory. Lone Pine Resources of Delaware filed a claim to an international arbitrator last month after the Government of Quebec passed a bill revoking all fracking permits in its territory. The mining firm, which wants $250m in compensation, had spent millions of dollars in the five years leading up to the passing of the legislation to obtain mining...