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Lack of toilets, clean water costs world $260 bln a year – Liberian president

AlertNet: Poor access to sanitation and clean water costs the global economy $260 billion each year, according to Liberia's president who is leading work to craft proposals for a new set of global anti-poverty goals. They are intended replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which were agreed in 2000 and expire in 2015. "$260 billion in economic losses annually is directly linked to inadequate water supply and sanitation around the world,' Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf told a meeting...

Experts mull global system to monitor water resources

AlertNet: A global system to monitor management of water resources would help governments secure food and water supplies for the future, a U.N. expert due to attend the World Water Week conference later this month has told AlertNet. "There's demand for a global reporting mechanism that will help us see what is the status of water security and how water is used around the world as a resource, whether in agriculture, industrial production or any other way," said Joakim Harlin, senior water resources advisor...

Climate change is wild card in water security — SEI analysts

AlertNet: We can think creatively about water management, but unknown large global threats could cause a fundamental reorganisation of life on Earth, according to a water expert with the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI). "A doomsday scenario would be that if the Greenland ice sheet melts, and then there's six metres of sea-level rise -- all bets are off,' said David Purkey, a senior scientist who heads SEI's Northern California office. "I think we've got bigger problems than water scarcity at that...