Archive for May 17th, 2015

Australia: Government bans dumping from new dredging projects into Great Barrier Reef

Guardian: The federal government has finalised a ban on the dumping of sediment from new dredging projects into the waters of the Great Barrier Reef, as a decision looms on whether the ecosystem will be listed as “in danger” by the UN. Greg Hunt, the federal environment minister, said he has approved an amendment to the Great Barrier Reef marine park regulations to ban capital dredge spoil being dumped there. The ban will apply to all past, present and future applications for dumping of new seabed excavations...

Hundreds activists launch floating protest new Arctic drilling rig

Telegraph: Hundreds of activists decked out in neoprene wetsuits and life jackets took to the water off Seattle in kayaks, canoes, paddleboards and other vessels to send the message that Royal Dutch Shell should cancel its plan to drill in the Arctic Ocean. The "Shell No" protest was held nearby to where Shell's Polar Pioneer drilling rig is docked. Once out on the water, kayakers gathered in formation and hoisted signs and banners that read: "Climate Justice," "Oil-Free Future" and "We can't burn all...