Archive for June 30th, 2014

In Huge Defeat for Oil and Gas Industry, Court Rules New York Towns Can Ban Fracking

Village Voice: Huge news this morning for shale-gas drilling skeptics: the highest court in New York state ruled that towns have the authority to ban oil and gas companies from operating within city limits. Deborah Goldberg, the lawyer who argued on behalf of the town of Dryden, New York, tells the Voice, will have a "huge impact here in New York state and may very well influence similar efforts around the country." In 2011, residents of Dryden passed a zoning ordinance prohibiting oil and gas drilling; Six...

Endless Summer: On the Verge of the Sixth Extinction

San Diego Free Press: We`ve seen a lot of bad news lately from the dismaying results of our last local election and a slew of reactionary court decisions at the state and national level to the re-emergence of the chaos in Iraq and the seemingly daily news reports of growing evidence that our widening level of economic inequality is becoming an entrenched and sadly taken-for-granted part of our new normal. Even as we head into the heedless days of summer, we are greeted by yet more studies showing that the climate change...