Archive for November 25th, 2012

Fracking harms environment, planet’s climate

Ventura County Star: Re: David Quast's Nov. 18 guest column, "The case for hydraulic fracturing": A tidal wave is about to sweep over our state. Oil companies are snapping up thousands of acres across central and Southern California. Armed with dangerous new techniques, the petroleum industry aims to exploit a vast reservoir of previously inaccessible shale oil -- and the consequences for our air, water and public health could be devastating. This oil will be extracted using hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, as...

Last decade was warmest on record in Europe

EurActive: European temperatures in the last decade were 1.3 degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial average — the warmest since records began — according to new research by the European Environment Agency (EEA), the EU’s climate advisory body. Their report finds that since 2002, rainfall has decreased in southern Europe, while increasing in the north, and there have been more extreme weather events. Meanwhile, the Greenland ice sheet, Arctic sea ice and many European glaciers are melting. "Climate change...

Lauded climate-change documentary “Chasing Ice” comes home to Boulder

Denver Post: It's midafternoon and James Balog does not sound like his usual sharp-minded and eloquent self. He's a little groggy, even a bit tongue-tied. For good reason. The renowned environmental photographer who calls Boulder home has been on a whirlwind tour with the glacier-shrinking documentary "Chasing Ice," in which he's the protagonist. Directed by Jeff Orlowski, the film began not as a documentary so much as an internal document. Orlowski admired Balog's work, so he accompanied the environmental...

United Kingdom: Flood risk rises as more heavy rain is forecast

Independent: Severe flood alerts were issued last night with warnings that lives could be at risk as relentless rain continued to pelt Britain. The three most serious warnings were released by the Environment Agency (EA) for areas in Cornwall where rising river levels were threatening to deluge roads and villages. On top of these alarms, a further 104 lower-grade, but still serious, flood warnings were issued across western England, as well as another 206 flood "alerts" – early-stage indicators for households...