Archive for September 3rd, 2012

California wildfire prompts evacuation of Angeles national forest

Associated Press: A wildfire that broke out in the Angeles national forest has cut short the Labor Day holiday weekend for thousands of visitors to the park. The fire broke out near a campground Sunday afternoon and quickly grew to 3,600 acres, or about five and a half square miles. It sent a huge cloud of smoke that could be seen from the coast to the desert inland. Campgrounds that typically attract up to 12,000 visitors on the holiday weekend, as well as rehabilitation centers and the private community of...

Record Temperatures and Wildfires in Eastern Russia

NASA: Forests and bog land in far eastern Russia have been burning since the beginning of June 2012. Contributing to the record fires have been the record temperatures of this past summer. This summer in Siberia has been one of hottest on record. The average temperature ranged around 93 degrees Fahrenheit and there doesn't seem to be any break in the weather coming anytime soon. The fires in eastern Russia have affected the districts of Krasnoyarsk, Tuva, Irkutsk, Kurgan, and the Republic of Khakassia....

Sun shade to fight climate change for $5bn a year

Reuters: Planes or airships could carry sun-dimming materials high into the atmosphere for an affordable price tag of below $5 billion a year as a way to slow climate change, a study indicated on Friday. Guns, rockets or a pipeline into the stratosphere would be more expensive but generally far cheaper than policies to cut world greenhouse gas emissions, estimated to cost between $200 billion and $2 trillion a year by 2030. Transporting a million tons of particles to at least 18km above the Earth every...

ALERT! Support Swedish Forest Blockade Targeting Limestone Mine in Important Old-Growth, Water-Rich Ecosystem

Support Swedish Forest Blockade Targeting Limestone Mine in Important Old-Growth, Water-Rich Ecosystem TAKE ACTION! The Finnish mining company Nordkalk, and national logging company Mellanskog, have started work on a limestone mine on the Swedish island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea, threatening a sensitive and unique natural environment of ecologically unique ancient forests [search], moorlands, and swamps. There is a major ongoing forest occupation against this logging and mining of critical ecosystems and groundwater destruction, which just this past Saturday managed to stop the initial forest clearing, pending an important Supreme Court decision that may establish a legal precedent for ecosystem protections nationwide. Supporting these sorts of community rebellions against ecocide, and for healthy local ecosystems, is what Ecological Internet's global network is all about.