Archive for August 2nd, 2011

Famine due to climate change: African bank

Agence France-Presse: The famine in Africa's fragile Horn of Africa region has been caused by climate change and a collective failure to end the Somali civil war, the head of the African Development Bank says. "This was not a tsunami that took us by surprise. Mother Nature can be blamed for much of what is happening but, before food shortages become famine, there's something else that comes into play," Donald Kaberuka told AFP. "In this case, the epicentre of the crisis is in those parts of Somalia that are not functioning,"...

Did a Storm Distort Mapping of a Gulf ‘Dead Zone’?

New York Times: As the Midwest reeled from catastrophic flooding this spring, scientists warned of devastating consequences for the Gulf of Mexico this summer. They feared that chemicals and waste rushing down the Mississippi would result in the largest-ever oxygen-depleted "dead zone" measured in the gulf since monitoring began in 1985. New results are in: on Monday, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration announced that a team of scientists mapping the dead zone had just returned from a...