Archive for April 27th, 2011

Rise in wildlife tourism in India comes with challenges

Mongabay: Rise in wildlife tourism in India comes with challenges A line of tourist jeeps clogs the road in a dry forest, as all eyes--and cameras--are on a big cat ambling along the road ahead; when the striped predator turns for a moment to face the tourists, voices hush and cameras flash: this is a scene that over the past decade has becoming increasingly common in India. A new study in Conservation Letters surveyed ten national parks in India and found that attendance had increased on average 14.9% from...

SAY NO! To Global Shale Gas Fracking’s Final Human Descent into Ecocidal Barbarity

By Ecological Internet's Climate Ark Climate Change Portal TAKE ACTION HERE NOW! It is simply wrong to blow up the Earth destroying scarce water for limited energy with no climate benefits as purported. New science shows shale gas fracking [search] equally damaging to climate as other fossil fuels including coal, and last week there was a major toxic fracking water release into Pennsylvania’s waterways; yet fracking remains largely unregulated by the EPA in the United States. Meanwhile the rest of the world is following America’s lead, with fracking spreading to China, South Africa, Europe and elsewhere. However protest is spreading too. The human family must not allow every last ecosystem to be destroyed, destroying our shared biosphere, before we transition from wasteful unsustainable energy to 100% truly renewable energy. Tell the Obama administration to set a good example and heavily regulate fracking, or outlaw this newest ecocidal energy source before it spreads.