Archive for June 11th, 2010

Global warming spells doom for Asia’s rivers

Agence France-Presse: The livelihood of thousands of Tibetans living on China's highest plateau is under threat as global warming and environmental degradation dry up water sources for three mighty Asian rivers, experts say. Dwindling glaciers and melting permafrost in the mountains surrounding the fragile Qinghai-Tibet plateau are leading to erosion of grasslands and wetlands, threatening the watershed of the Yangtze, Yellow and Mekong rivers. One prominent US environmental campaigner has even ...

UN’s ‘IPCC for nature’ to fight back against destruction of natural world

Guardian: World governments voted last night to set up a major new international body to spearhead the battle against the destruction of the natural world. With growing concern about the human impacts of destruction of habitats and species from around the world, from riots over food shortages and high prices, to worsening floods, and global climate change, more than 80 governments voted to take action in the final hours of a week-long conference in Busan, South Korea. The ...