Archive for April 15th, 2010

BP pledges not to use open-pit mining at Canadian oil sands sites

Guardian: Tony Hayward, BP's chief executive, has attempted to dampen growing investor anger over its oil sands activities by publicly pledging for the first time not to use mining techniques that devastate the landscape. But the pledge was not enough to head off a significant rebellion from a growing group of increasingly environmentally aware investors at its annual general meeting today. Environmentalists also poured scorn on the promise, which was also made in BP's sustainability ...

Earth’s missing heat could haunt us later: report

Reuters: The rise in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere means far more energy is coming into Earth's climate system than is going out, but half of that energy is missing and could eventually reappear as another sign of climate change, scientists said on Thursday. In stable climate times, the amount of heat coming into Earth's system is equal to the amount leaving it, but these are not stable times, said John Fasullo of the U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research, a co-author of the ...