Author Archive

What’s the Impact of China’s Rapid Urbanization?

World Resources Institute: China’s Urban Billion is a blog series exploring China’s urbanization process. Over the coming months, Xiaomei Tan will guide readers through China’s opportunities and challenges as it transforms into an urbanized society. We will examine the urbanization process as it relates to governance, the private and public sectors, and the economy. This is the first post in this series. It originally appeared on The simultaneous, rapid urbanization of China and India is unprecedented–-in...

Navigating the “Vast Sea of Unknowns” of Water Risk

World Resources Institute: We know less about one of world's most pressing challenges today than we did 10 years ago. It's no secret that water - or the lack thereof - will be one of the defining issues of the 21st century. And yet, the United Nations World Water Report, in 2009, stated that when it comes to water, "less is known with each passing decade." The World Economic Forum recently named the water supply crises as one of the top risks facing the planet - edging out issues like terrorism and systemic financial failure....

5 Sobering Realities about Global Water Security

World Resources Institute: Some people say that water is the oil of the 21st Century. If only water were that simple. Water is very complicated. It’s affected by large-scale issues like climate change and globalization. International commerce moves virtual water (the water it takes to grow or produce a product) from farms in Brazil to grocery stores in China and Egypt. But water is also inherently local, impacted by site-specific weather, geography, and other environmental and land use conditions. Managing and using...

A Closer Look at Aqueduct’s Forthcoming Global Water Risk Maps

World Resources Institute: This story is part of the “Aqueduct Sneak Peek” series. Aqueduct Sneak Peek provides an early look at the Aqueduct team’s updated global water risk maps, which will be released in January 2013. New reports and articles are increasingly pointing to water risk as one of the biggest issues associated with climate change, energy production, food security, and human health. In an effort to better understand how and where these water risks are emerging, WRI published the first-ever Aqueduct water risk...