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U.S. Drought and Climate Change: Science Points to Link

Wired News: The drought that`s turned most of the United States into a dessicated hotbox may be a symptom of climate change, a brutal blowback from carbon pollution. Climate scientists, who prefer to speak in terms of probabilities and trends rather than single events, are reluctant to point fingers at any one cause - but signs point to human influence making a natural dry spell unnaturally severe. "In any single event, it`s hard to really know if you`re just seeing a natural variation or climate change,"...

Russian Heat Wave Statistically Linked to Climate Change

Wired News: A new method of crunching climate data could make it possible to put a figure on climate change`s contribution to freak weather events, something that`s been difficult to do with empirical precision. The debut subject: the Russian heat wave of July 2010, which killed 700 people and was unprecedented since record keeping began in the 19th century. According to the analysis, there`s an 80 percent chance that climate change was responsible. "With climate change, it`s going to happen five times...