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The California gas leak that prompted a state of emergency, explained

Vox: On October 23, Southern California Gas Company discovered a leak at its Aliso Canyon natural gas storage facility. It is still leaking, spewing methane into the atmosphere, sickening nearby residents, and prompting Gov. Jerry Brown to declare a state of emergency. It is widely being hailed as the worst environmental disaster since the BP oil spill. And SoCal Gas says the leak likely won't be contained until March at the earliest. There's a lot of great journalism being done around the spill --...

Is the Supreme Court’s Mercury Decision Pointless?

Vox: This morning, the Supreme Court decided against EPA in a case concerning the agency's regulations on mercury pollution. Brad Plumer has a great explainer on the background and details. I just want to highlight one aspect of the ruling that hasn't gotten enough attention in all the coverage, namely: it is likely pointless. The ruling is probably not going to change the mercury regulations. It's probably not going to have any effect on the power sector. It probably won't establish any significant...