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Permit for $1.4 billion telescope revoked by Hawaiians

Sentinel: Earlier this month, the Hawaii Supreme Court revoked a construction permit to build the largest telescope in the world at the summit of a sacred Hawaiian mountain. The construction of the $1.4 billion Thirty-Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea, which is considered hallowed ground to native Hawaiians, was led by an international coalition of astronomers, including key personnel from UC Santa Cruz such as Michael Bolte. Bolte is a UCSC professor of astronomy and a member of the Thirty Meter Telescope...

UCSC astronomers court controversy new telescope Hawaii

Sentinel: An international coalition of astronomers, including key personnel from UC Santa Cruz, are building the largest telescope in the world at the summit of a sacred Hawaiian mountain. Construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea, which is considered hallowed ground to native Hawaiians, has sparked heated protests and indefinitely closed the summit of the mountain to the public. If completed, the $1.4-billion telescope’s 98-foot (30 meters) aperture would allow for more than nine times...

Drought dries rural Calif wells residents carry water in buckets

Sentinel: The water vanished from Olivia Vargas’ modest East Porterville home on an ordinary morning as she was rinsing her breakfast dishes. It left Yolanda Serrato’s house just as suddenly, sputtering, then stopping, as she held a garden hose. Soon, the faucets at Iglesia Emmanuel went dry as parishioners tried to clean up after Sunday services. Ten miles away, Ron and Cheryl Perine poured two glasses of water to drink — and watched in disbelief as sand settled to the bottom. “It was devastating,”...