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Climate change claims a new victim: The slow demise of Califonia’s golden trout

Salon: Driving through the Owens Valley, a scenic 75-mile-long, U-shaped cul-de-sac on the east side of the Sierras, confirmed extremely dry conditions. California’s prolonged drought wasn’t just visible in the low stream flows, charred hillsides and snowless Sierra Nevada Mountains, but I could hear it. In the small town of Lone Pine, I overheard a man say: “I guess we won’t get to shower until next winter.” The water situation for local fish isn’t much better. For my journey – a day’s drive followed...

Agency Lobbying for Keystone Pipeline Is a Major Donor Clinton Foundation

Salon: A Canadian government agency lobbying for the construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline contributed nearly half a million dollars to the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation last year, part of a surge in foreign donations ahead of Hillary Clinton`s expected 2016 campaign for the presidency. The revelation comes in a new Wall Street Journal report on the foundation`s fundraising from such donors as the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Australia, Germany. The foundation resumed...

How climate change affects different regions of the country differently

Salon: The U.S. is no stranger to differences among its sometimes bickering states, so perhaps it’s no surprise that even global warming finds itself with some regional rivalries. A Climate Central analysis of regional and seasonal temperature differences in the contiguous U.S. since 1970 reveals a country divided along temperature lines, just as it is in so many other ways. Sure, that includes politics. And whether a certain bubbly drink should be called soda, pop or Coke (even though we all know the...

This college freshman is suing Alaska over climate change

Salon: Can individual states be held responsible for failing to do enough to stop climate change? University of Alaska Fairbanks freshman Nelson Kanuk thinks so, and the Alaska Supreme Court agreed to hear him out. Kanuk, along with six others, first sued the state last year, when he was just a senior in high school. His small town, Barrow, is literally melting beneath his feet, and he alleged that the loss of permafrost should count as a natural resource - the same as other resources the state is required...